Art and music have been my passion throughout my lifetime since early childhood. Each of my parents where extremely talented artistically, and I was exposed to their own creativeness as well  as to 'their' historical and internationally known figures that they admired, whether it involved the field of art or music.  My father was a prolific sculptor whose works were within the prestigious Mamone galleries in San Francisco. Adept in human anatomy, his bronzes were of athletes. He also was a watercolorist and renderer, novelist, poet, and pianist of his own beautiful and original compositions, with classical or jazz influences. My mother, was an interior decorator/designer whos compelling arrangements and harmonious color usage were always a visual inspiration to me as well as to her clients. Together through their unyielding and continued support, my heart and soul became committed to fine art and music, and I have continued that artistic journey ever since.

My past employment consisted of technical illustration, air brush rendering, and graphics on the MacIntosh computer. Presently since 2001, I teach landscape and portrait painting with oils or acrylics, and occasionally drawing instruction at various schools within the San Francisco east bay area. I also teach painting on zoom as well.